Abortion and Men's Rights - 20220626

     As you could hopefully see in the title, this post will primarily talk about abortion. As many of you will already know, Roe V. Wade was overturned, and what a glorious week it has been as a result. First, let's all take a moment to thank democrats for not codifying Roe into law when Obama was president, which they could have done (if memory serves me). Why anyone is surprised this is happening is beyond me, but the meltdown and hysteria has been delicious. Let me be clear from the outset on my position on abortion; I am pro-abortion, not pro-choice.

    I do not agree that the issue is simply a matter of personal choice, if it were, men would be able to financially abort. Why it makes sense for, as they say, "two people to tango", and then provide only one of them 100% of the decision making power is unclear, but I find it nonsensical and unfair, considering the "age of equality" we seem to be in. Dave Chappele said it best, and I'm loosely quoting, when he said, "if you can kill him I can sure as hell abandon the mother fucker." Of course when a man shirks his responsibilities it is looked at as toxic, unmanly, and he is labeled a "deadbeat", when a woman does it, it's known as bodily autonomy, personal choice, or reproductive health. I firmly believe that if abortion is to be allowed, it should be reflected in the rights of both men and women. This simple idea of course is lost on feminists who do nothing but display their hypocrisy in their disagreement. 

    I am going to have to disagree with my mostly Christian, conservative, or libertarian audience in principle however. The clear delineation between acceptable and not-acceptable abortion to me, should be based on brain development. The brain is the seat of consciousness, and as such should be the primary consideration when determining person-hood. If there is an experience of suffering to be had, then it should be considered murder to cause that suffering to the point of death (I understand there are some finer-point philosophical objections here, but we can discuss that later). The problem today seems to be extremism on both sides; on the right, conception, on the left, the day of birth, and any middle-ground be damned. The truth of the matter is that abortion is looked at by modern, leftist women as nothing more than health care and contraception (and again, up to a certain point I agree), a sad state of affairs regardless of which side you fall on, to view life or the process of life in this way. We've all heard the claim that a baby is nothing more than a parasite, and I do find that quite horrifying. But let's address the sex strike and calls for vasectomies. 

Women are now refusing to sleep with men, to include their boyfriends and husbands, in protest of Roe V. Wade being overturned... and guys, I gotta say, if this doesn't do it for you in deciding that American women are an absolute waste of time, I don't know what would. I've personally never thought to myself, I'm mad at the current state of affairs, or I'm mad at the supreme court, so I'm going to take it out on my significant other. The funny thing here is that no doubt the men in those relationships will be expected to uphold their end of the bargain. However their relationship is arranged, he will be given no leniency in his responsibilities, but for the sake of the female hive-mind, female solidarity, she will be granted a pardon. Or, the alternative is that these men get a vasectomy in order to receive the grand privilege of sleeping with their so-called lovers again. I'd hesitate to call anyone who would hold my needs for ransom a lover... but to each their own. And mind you they aren't just for ransom to him or some third party, they're ransom to the collective for having the gall to be unsure of whether or not it's morally justifiable to kill a baby. This is all beside the point that a vasectomy is not an equivalence. We have reached the same place yet again, modern women do not want to take responsibility for themselves, and so the aim is to have men burden that responsibility. Quite frankly I would love for more men to get vasectomies, I've thought about doing it myself, but does it make sense for men to go through an invasive procedure when various forms of contraception are available? Of course not, and again I say, women, you select, you bear the burden of responsibility for your selection. Don't select badly, don't let strange men nut inside you. 

    One last note before we end this wonderful conversation. Women who are refusing to sleep with men until Roe V. Wade is reinstated, you are, through your protest of responsibility, behaving more responsibly, and so I suppose we should say thank you for being responsible...ironically. Take care. Do better. 



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