Twerking Politicians and Human Rights - 20220710

 I'm really not sure what I should write about today. Most of the day I've been making and publishing videos, trying to get caught up due to some work conflicts. Sometimes it seems as if there is so much to talk about you can't actually think of and focus on any of them. Everything is moving and changing so fast. I suppose I'll start with a quite remark on the separation of church and state.

So it should be obviously vitally important that we maintain a separation between church and state, and I don't personally know many people who dispute this. There are of course religious peoples on all sides that promote a government adherence to a specific religion, but you'll find no support for that here; the founding fathers knew it was a bad idea, and I know it's a bad idea. I'm under the impression that the current wave of controversy surrounding this topic, as it applies specifically to the supreme court, is over the football coach who won his case to pray on the football field. If this is incorrect, someone please tell me, but for now we'll talk about this; it's easy, doesn't require a lot of thought. The coach should have the right to pray on the football field. The end. But seriously, as long as the individual is not forcing others to pray as well, his individual exercise of religious practice is protected. Don't make me say it... I'm going to say it... I'm an atheist, and I cannot find, in this case, where the separation of church and state has been destroyed. This is simply reactionary anti-Christianity and nothing more. I'm all onboard with churches not being tax exempt, but not as a position I've placed on my cudgel because I want to make up stories about Christian Fascism running rampant. Principles do and should matter.

Ah! Now I have figured out where we should go next... State Senator Tiara Mack. Now I made a video about this state senator already, but it won't publish for a few days, but should you watch that video, you'll find me to be fairly annoyed... or disgusted... probably a little of both. If you told me that at some point I would have to explain why it's inappropriate for a public servant to twerk on camera in a skimpy bathing suit, I'd thought you bonkers. It is inappropriate for a public servant to twerk in a skimpy bikini, just as inappropriate as it would be for Donald Trump to come out in his jimmies and helicopter for everyone. Could you imagine the type of response to a Donald Trump Helicopter? And imagine even further if Trump's response were, "I need to be my authentic self." If professionalism is to mean anything, it should at least mean that we are to keep sexual behavior and sexuality out of the realm of professional conduct, and don't you start with that "it's just dancing" nonsense. I suppose we should expect to see onlyfans accounts from prospective Democrats... joy. We should expect a better class of public servant, and this ain't it. 

Let's also talk about the ambiguity that the left seems to create when discussing fundamental or human rights; both of these appear to have lost some meaning over the past two decades, to everyone's detriment. Abortion is not a fundamental right, it is not a human right, it is not a constitutionally guaranteed right; it just isn't. I think we can clearly and fairly distinguish between human rights and constitutional rights, and I think the constitution and declaration of independence do a fairly good job at delineating between the two, if not expressly than implicitly, despite the fact that both are protected within these documents; e.g. it could be argued the right to bear arms is a constitutional right but not a human right (and I think this would be a fair categorization). But we seem to be at an odd place now with the authoritarian left, where every leftist activist concern is claimed to be an issue of human/fundamental rights. If we're to look at abortion squarely, it is not constitutionally guaranteed, and the round about way in which it was declared constitutional the first time has been overturned, and rightfully so. But the left will claim that it is irrelevant because the right to an abortion is a human/fundamental right, and as such I suppose would take precedence over constitutionally guaranteed rights. It also provides a neat little cozy spot for the left to claim that the constitution is no longer a document that serves the people, and that it should be overruled, abandoned, dismantled, et cetera. With all of this going on, how do we clearly define human rights? What should be considered fundamentally required of human existence and flourishing? I cannot, for the life of me, understand the position that abortion falls within this category. You see here is the problem, the creation of certain ambiguity, and the left doesn't just do this with rights, they do it with damn near everything, this post modern mindset. 

Anyway, I'm going to end it there. More on rights I'm sure at some point. I have a lot more work to do today for the channel, so stay tuned, and thank you for the support. 


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