Leftist Morality - 20220619
I'm currently writing this on very little sleep, at work, and I have a bad habit of not proof-reading or editing, so, mistakes be damned! I did take the week off from making videos. It was supposed to be a week off from social media entirely, but I hate to admit, I tweeted quite a few times. Staying completely off of social media is no easy task, not when you're in the developing stages of a brand; I suppose it's just the nature of the beast, as they say. I should warn you that many of these blog posts will seem repetitive. While the task of fighting authoritarianism is noble, it's also monotonous and at times, daunting. We seem to be fighting many of the same battles over and over and over again, with slight variations in circumstance. Either way, it's good exercise for me to write, and hopefully it will be good for you as well.
I suppose we should touch on drag shows for children again (if we didn't in the last post, I can't remember). If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be having to explain why it's no good to bring your child to a drag show, I would have thought you insane. What is even more discomforting is that the support for this overt sexualization of children, and child exposure to sex and sexuality, is booming mostly as a reaction to conservatism. I can at least wrap my head around someone who is sick (I say this not as a statement of approval but simply as an understanding of motive), but I cannot understand the justification of supporting the perversion for no other reason than, "well republicans are against it." I further can't imagine living my life in a state of moral ambiguity in which my behavior is solely reliant on what my enemy believes to be right or wrong. This is fairly thematic for the left; they lack a spine, they lack a foundation, they lack a system of values.
I do suppose this gets me thinking more of morality and what it is. Most religious people would argue that the answer is in doctrine, and that you need god as a foundation for moral order. I'm sympathetic to the position, especially given what I've seen over the last decade from the left, but I don't think it's a good enough answer. I do tend to think of myself as a consequentialist, in the same vain as maybe Sam Harris (moral landscape), and that the objective of morality should be to answer questions about human well-being. If suffering is a consequence of a particular action, it should be deemed morally wrong. I don't want to get too into the weeds in this post on morality, but it does beg the question; from this moral standpoint, why do we not want children to be exposed to sex or sexuality? Well the simple answer is because it produces harm (i.e. suffering) or it has the capacity to produce harm or suffering in the future. And I think maybe the left is incapable of seeing this possibility of future harm. When someone like Contrapoints tweets, "these people don't care about protecting children, they care about protecting "childhood innocence" - ignorance romanticized; a bullshit fantasy made up by adults, reflecting every adult prejudice", I tend to believe some of them truly cannot understand (or they don't want to understand) the harm being done. If "childhood innocence" reflects my prejudice against those who would harm my children (I don't have children but you understand the point), well then that is a more than acceptable definition of childhood innocence, and yet Contrapoints seems to believe that it is merely an abstraction that can be done away with. If childhood innocence is anything other than protecting your children from the dangers of the world, then we shouldn't want it. But tweets like this hammer home my initial point, the left does not seriously believe it is causing harm. I suppose over the years I have also shed the delusion that this type of behavior is relegated mostly to males, in part due to my own reckoning with my own sexual abuse suffered at the hands of an older female relative. Now ask my why I think that bad behavior gets more support when it's practiced by more women? A conversation for another time, perhaps. Undoubtedly we'll come back to discussing the left and morality, but for now, I think we'll just end the post.
I planned poorly for the week, and that is why this post is not only late but short, and for that I apologize. But I hope, regardless of size, you get something from reading this just as much as I do from writing it. Take care!
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